South Africa - Building Brighter Futures in the Western Cape

Making a difference.
We believe that every child has the right to receive a high-quality education. Stars for Africa in South Africa is driven by a team of young and motivated South Africans who want to give back to their communities. With the expertise and management of the Stars for Africa team in Europe, our team in the RSA aims to provide children from less privileged backgrounds with better access to education with initiatives ranging from infrastructural development, workshops all the way to scholarships for high potentials.
New windows and a colourful classroom
Project 1

Gabriel, Yusnique and Connor are among the students in a small school in Strand, Western Cape, whose classroom was refurbished as a first project by our volunteers in South Africa. The old and dusty study-space was repainted and more than a dozen broken windows replaced, providing these kids and their fellow classmates with a secure and inviting place to study and prosper.
Warm & rain-proof jackets for the winter
Project 2

Fourty-one kids at Buffelskloof Primary School finally received their long-awaited jackets from Stars for Africa, to keep them warm and dry during the cold season of the year. Thanks to your help and our motivated team in South Africa, we were able to make this possible. Our team will continue to support this and other schools to improve the study-conditions for children in the Western Cape.
Multiple Foodruns
Project 3

Thanks to your incredible donations, we are able to provide the hard working school children of PlayWay School and Elnor Primary School with a warm meal in school. Food such as bread, rice, meat, fruits, vegetables and juices were purchased by our local team and prepared by the teachers.
This is a project that we have done repeatedly and want to continue in the future. Because good nutrition is one of the most important things to ensure sustainable schooling and to make sure that the children take the best out of their school time and their learning.
Meeting Daniel and Maximilian at a networking-event in London back in late 2019 and hearing about Stars for Africa for the first time inspired me to get active myself. With the start of Stars for Africa RSA, I want to use my extensive network in the Western Cape to provide support where it is needed the most. While my friends and I had the chance to receive a very good education while growing up in South Africa, I know that many children in my home-country do not have this privilege. Under the guidance of the Stars for Africa family, we now aim to collectively improve the situation at some of the most disadvantaged schools in the Western Cape, thereby building brighter futures not only in Tanzania, but also in South Africa. Can you help us to provide children like Gabriel with better access to education?

Collin Sherriff
Local Representative, Stars for Africa RSA
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Stars for Africa – Building Brighter Futures. Verein zur Förderung von Bildungseinrichtungen in Afrika
ZVR-Number: 1375443989

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Stars for Africa
IBAN: AT39 3742 0000 0018 9852

Bank account administered at Raiffeisenlandesbank Vorarlberg

© Stars for Africa 2023